

Profession Focus Skills (職業用集中技能)

Wizardry (賢人性)

To achieve true mastery of magic, the twin forces of Law and Chaos must be bound into one. Wizardry is the highest of the magical arts, drawing upon both Cosmic Forces and the Primal Elements to work mighty spells. 異術の真正な修得性を達成…

Way of the Gaana (ガアナの道筋)

Phaedra, first of the Amazons, learned the Way of the Gaana from many teachers during her long journey south. Hevralis the Titan, Saedron, and Vashteera, Beast Lord of Panthers all grant Huntresses power of born of beasts and the wild. Ama…

Warlockery (反故性)

The Age of Strife has seen the rise of a new form of magic: Warlockery, the power to control the minds of others and manipulate the world through will alone. Some born to the New Order see themselves as the vanished Gods' heirs. Age of Str…

Theurgy (神働礼)

While any touched by the divine can use the lesser powers of Benediction and Restoration, true devotee of a God achieve communion with their Patron, drawing upon the gift of Theurgy to invest themselves with divine power. 神明によって触れ…

Thaumaturgy (霊験作動)

Uvoriel, Archon of Fire, revealed new gospel to St. Malorn, founder of the Temple of the Cleansing Flame. Thaumaturgy draws upon the faith and the righteous power of the Cleansing Flame, giving Confessors and Templars their holy power. Uvo…

Stormcalling (嵐招呼)

The strange art of the Furies, Stormcalling looks to the Fury locked inside all things. By breaking the natural form of an object its power can be released, manifesting as storms and powerful curses. Furyたちの余所的なartであるStormcalling…

Shadowmastery (影会得)

The dark arts of the Assassins combine craft at stealth and anatomy with long-forbidden sorceries and forgotten Elvish Necromancy. True Shadowmasters can draw forth the cold Darkness of the Outer Void to slay their victims. Assassinたちの…

Necromancy (屍占)

Renegade Elvish wizards first learned the arts of Ghorreghul, or 'Death Sorcery,' ages ago. Though long suppressed, these dark techniques have re-emerged as Necromancy, the magic of death and undeath. 変節的であるElfのwizardたちは,諸ageを…

Nature Lore (自然伝承)

Ancient beyond reckoning is the Old Faith, the cult of Braiara the Green Mother. Through all the Ages the Druids have learned the ways of the nature goddess, using the secrets of Nature Lore to keep the world in balance. 算計を超えるほど往…

Liturgy (典礼)

Though the All-Father's voice has been silent since the Turning, His faithful still look to the power of His servants, the Blessed Saints and Holy Archones, for aid. The Holy Church's Liturgy offers Prelates and Crusaders the means to bles…

Exorcism (祓除)

First devised and practiced in the Lost Realm of Ardan, Exorcism focuses on exploiting the weaknesses of the Undead and the servants of the Void. Its secrets are critical to any who would stand against the Unholy Legions. Lost Realm of Ard…

Corruption (壊乱)

Sorcery, the 'art of Chaos' Magi cling to, is but a beginning. Those who embrace the Dark Lords are gifted with the art of Corruption, unleashing cataclysmic change and mutation through the power of raw Chaos. Mageたちが粘り着く’Chaosの芸’…

Channeling (経路行)

All things arise from the interaction of the Five Primal Elements, bound by the All-Father wove into a pattern. Those with the gift of Channeling use faith or philosophy to manipulate the threads of the Tapestry. 全ての諸事物は,All-Father…

Beastcraft (獣細工)

The Rangers practice the ways of Beastcraft, a balance of the teachings of Kenaryn the Hunter and the rites of the Beast Lords, Kenaryn's deadly enemies. The boons of the Hunter and the Beasts give Rangers power over the wild. Rangerたちは…

Bardsong (吟遊詩人曲)

There is power in words and names, and music has greater power still. By memorizing ancient epics and learning the deeds of heroes of legend, Bards learn to sway the wills and stir the hearts of mortals with the songs they sing. 諸言葉と諸…

Abjuration (拒絶)

Nandramiel, Archon of Judgement, revealed unto Saint Heroth the Vigilant the Nine Holy Bindings, words of power that overpower the will of evildoers who hear them. The Bindings are the Sentinels' greatest weapon against Chaos. Nandramiel, …