

The Healer's Way: The Path of Faith (ヒーラーの道筋:信仰の進路)


There are Primal Powers that exist Outside the world we know, who wrought the World and all the Universe in the uttermost beginning. Everything from the lowliest slug to the brightest Archon in Heaven is their handiwork. A trace of the divine will and its capacity for creation exists in all living things, and is concentrated in beings of thought and reason, the true Children of the Gods. Healers are sensitive souls whose belief and devotion allow them to find the divine spark within them, and use its power to alter the world around them. The healing of wounds and sickness is the best known gift that healers possess, and the most valued in this age of conflict and pestilence. 
 わたしたちが知る世界のOutsideに現存する,諸Primal Powerがあり,最端的な開始にかれらはWorldと全てのUniverseを精製した.最も低いナメクジから,Heavenでの最も明るいArchonにまでわたる,万物がかれらの手仕事である.神性な意志,ならびに,それがもつ創造のためである収容能力の痕跡が,全ての生物に現存していて,思惟および道理の存在であるChild of the Godsたちに濃縮されている.


Many simple healers go on to devote themselves to one of the Great Faiths, pledging their life and efforts to advance the causes of their chosen path, and are rewarded with even greater powers and miracles. The Holy Church of the All-Father draws the greatest number of healers into its ranks, with its legions of divine saints and hierarchies of angelic lords offering a vast array of powers and miracles to Prelates who believe. The ancient and secretive Druids devote themselves to the Balance and the Mother of the World. Rumors abound of other healers who follow the teachings of the Elemental Hierarchs, the Beast Lords, or even the wicked doctrines of the Lords of Chaos. Faith is the source of a healer's power, and the final measure of his capabilities. 
 多くの単純なhealerたちが,選んだ進路の根拠を進歩させるために,諸Great Faithの一つに人生および努力を確約し,一段と壮大な力および奇跡さえ伴って報われる.
 Holy Church of the All-Fatherは,信じるPrelateたちが,神性的な聖人たちおよび天使的な主たちの軍団に提供される,力および奇跡の広大な配列を伴い,一段と壮大な数のhealerたちを同列にまで引き込む.往古的かつ内密的なDruidたちは,かれら自身をBalanceとMother of the Worldに献身させる.Elemental HierarchたちかBeast Lordsたちの教え,または,Lord of Chaosたちの極悪な理念にさえ従う,他のhealerたちがいる噂が溢れている.


In the darkness that followed the Sundering, a new Faith was born: the Temple of the Cleansing Flame, devoted to avenging the High King's death and revering the High King and Saint Malorn, the Temple's founder. Whereas most healers devote themselves to healing the hurts of the world and trying to end strife, the fanatics of the Temple believe that strife will only end when all who are evil, impure, and unfit have been destroyed. Their crusade in the All-Father's name threatens to ignite the weary World like a firebrand. 
 Sunderingに従っている闇性のなかで新しいFaithが生まれた:High Kingの死における制裁,ならびに,High KingとTempleの創設者であるSaint Malornへの,敬慕に献身するTemple of the Cleansing Flameである.






{A}: All-Father (全父) | Archon (官天使)
{B}: Balance (均衡) | Beast Lord (獣主)
{C}: Child of the Gods (諸神の子供)
{D}: Druid (ドルイド)
{E}: Elemental Hierarch (元素教導師)
{F}: Faith (信仰)
{G}: Great Faith (壮大信仰)
{H}: Healer (ヒーラー) | Heaven (天上) | High King (高王) | Holy Church of the All-Father (全父聖教会)
{L}:  Lord of Chaos (混沌の主)
{M}: Mother of the World (世界の母)
{O}: Outside (外側)
{P}: Prelate (プレレイト) | Primal Power (根源力)
{S}: Saint Malorn  (聖マローン) | Sundering (大切断)
{T}: Temple (神殿) | Temple of the Cleansing Flame (浄化炎神殿)
{U}: Universe (宇宙)
{W}: World (世界)