

Aelfborn Overview (アエルフボーンの概要)


The sterile offspring of Elf and Man, the Aelfborn are feared and distrusted by the both of the races that sired them. Creatures of passion, Aelfborn are driven to extremes of emotion and often are driven to madness by the imbalance in their blood. In previous Ages it was believed that the offspring of Man and Elf were the vessels of Chaos, creatures of spirit rather than soul, consumed by demons of madness as they grow older. No sure cure for the Curse of the Aelfborn has ever been found, but Aelfborn children are often marked with magical tattoos to keep them sane. In the days since the Turning, unprecedented numbers of Aelfborn are said to be gathering in the wilds, far from the eyes of Elves or Men, to forge a new society of their own. Aelfborn lack the immortality of both races -- they age as men, yet can produce no offspring. 
 Turningの時点からある日びにおいて,Aelfbornにおける先例のない数が,かれら特有の新しい社会を鍛造するために,ElfたちおよびManたちの諸目から遥かな,林野に寄せ集まっていると言われている.Aelfborn は両種族の不滅性を欠く――かれらは人として加齢し,未だに子孫を生産できない.




{A}: Aelfborn (アエルフボーン) | Age (時代)
{C}: Chaos (混沌) | Curse (呪詛)
{E}: Elf (エルフ)
{M}: Man (マン)
{T}: Turning (大転回)