

Bard Trainer (バード訓練者)


May all the Gods and Titans smile upon ye! My heart tells me you've come seeking music and song, but you look to learn them, not just to hear them. You've got a fine voice -- I hope your memory is fine to match it. Would you sway entire mobs with only a word, and have your words make or break the fame of kings? Listen then, and learn! 

Ask about promoting to Bard (Bardへの昇格について尋ねる)

Our ancient craft was born among the skalds of the Invorri (the unenlightened call them Northmen), who performed at hearth and table, spinning tapestries of poetry and music, and keeping the memories of ancient days alive. The College of Bards as it exists today is quite different. The College has trained Bards for thousands of years, and now we can be found among all the peoples of the World. 
 今日に現存するThe College of Bardsは大変に異なる.Collegeは数千年にわたりBardたちを訓練し,今では,Worldにおける全ての大衆の間で,かれらを見つけられるようになった.


Every Bard must be a master of tale-telling and music, and must hone their memory to supreme heights: the great sagas and chronicles span thousands of rhymes, and can take three days to hear in full! I know three, and can sing them through from end to end without missing a single word. I need no books or notes to keep the sagas: the weave of rhyme and kenning is my only guide, memory my only tool. 


What good are songs and fairy tales to men of action? Without the redes, sagas, and tales, what could any man hope to accomplish? How can a Warrior know the true measure of valor is he knows not the tale of Sir Hurrigan, who stood alone against a host of Minotaurs to save Queen Candrae the Fair? How can he know of cunning without hearing the saga of Cuthric the Rune Thief, the Northman who tricked the Giants into revealing the secret wisdom of the All-Father? Any Prelate can tell the tale of Saint Nemmorane, but only a Bard can put the full meaning in the words, so that folk weep to hear of his blessed sacrifice. How can a man know glory without hearing the tale of Cambruin, the High King, the greatest man ever to live? 
 単独でMinotaurの古軍に立ち向かい,Queen Candrae the Fairを救出した,Sir Hurriganの話を知らずに,Warriorが,剛勇における真の尺度をどのように知られるのだろうか?Giantたちを欺き,All-Fatherの秘密的な叡智を公開したNorthman こと,Cuthric the Rune Thiefのsagaにおける傾聴をともなわずに,狡知をどのように知られるのだろうか?
 どのPrelateでもSaint Nemmoraneの話を語れるが,言葉に遍満な意味を置けるのはBardたちだけであり,それで,かれの祝福された犠牲を聞くと,俗衆は泣く.これまでに生きたなかで最も壮大な人である,High KingことCambruinの話における傾聴をともなわずに,人はどのように栄光を知られるのだろうか?


We Bards know how every hero triumphed or failed, and remember every trick and secret employed by giants, sorcerers, witches, and heroes. There is a power in words, names, and songs: the power to inspire, enrage, and to enthrall. I can sing songs of magic and enchantment that can kindle fury in the hearts of Warriors, goading them on to glory and death. I can sing dirges that will make the hearts and sword arms of any foe heavy as lead. And I can spin puns so wicked that they cause pain and death to those who hear them. Would you learn them? 


Our songs remember what was, preserve what is, and ensure that the memory of both shall be forever. Through our work deeds seen become sagas told throughout the World. So the worlds of the strong and the honorable are known and revered, and glory is heaped on the names of the brave. It is every Bard's duty, after all, to watch the deeds of men and to remember them. As the All-Father wrote the future destiny of the World into stone before the first dawning, so we Bards spin past and present into air with song and saga. At the Ending of Days the master Bards will sing the All-Father's great saga back to him, and will name our fate based on their performance. So listen and learn, and sing well! 
 Ending of Daysに,熟練のBardたちが,All-Fatherの壮大なsagaを同神へ歌い返し,かれらの上演にもとづいて,わたしたちのfateは名づけられるだろう.それで,聞いて学んで上手に歌え!

Train skills and powers (skillとpowerを訓練する)
Done (終了)


{A}: All-Father (全父)
{B}: Bard (バード) | Bard Trainer (バード訓練者)
{C}: Cambruin (カンブリュワン) | Candrae the Fair [Queen] (カンドリャ王妃)[佳人] | College (単科大学) | College of Bards, The (バード単科大学) | Cuthric the Rune Thief (クトリク[ルーン泥棒])
{E}: Ending of Days (日次終局)
{F}: Fate (悲運)
{G}: Giant (ジャイアント) | God (神)
{H}: High King (上級王) | Hurrigan [Sir] (ハーリガン卿) 
{I}: Invorri (インヴォリ)
{K}: Kenning (ケニング)
{M}: Minotaur (ミノタウロス)
{N}: Nemmorane [Saint] (ネモラネ[聖]) | Northman (北方人)
{P}: Power (技能) | Prelate (プレレイト)
{R}: Rede (レデ)
{S}: Saga (サガ) | Skald (スカルド) | Skill (技術)
{T}: Titan (ティーターン)
{W}: Warrior (ウォーリアー) | World (世界)