You are lucky to find me here. I am a follower of the Old Way, and child of the Green Mother. Would you learn the lore of leaf and flower, bird and beast? I can aid your transformation into a Druid, but only you can begin it.
ここでわたしを見つけるあなたは幸運です.わたしは Old Wayの追従者であり,Green Motherの子供です.葉と花,ならびに,鳥と獣の伝承を学びませんか?わたしはあなたがDruidに変容するのを援助できますが,それを始められるのはあなただけです.
- Ask about promoting to Druid (Druid への昇格について尋ねる)
- Train skills and powers (skillとpowerを訓練する)
- Done (終了)
Ask about promoting to Druid (Druid への昇格について尋ねる)
Life. It is everywhere, all around us, and yet most folk are so preoccupied with their own small portion that they cannot see the ocean of life that teems around them. If they did, they would remember that the food they eat, the grass they tread on, even the very earth they till and air that they breathe is alive. Most folk of the world venerate the All-Father, but they forget that they had a mother too: Braialla, the Green Mother of the World. Some have not forgotten. Far from the sprawling cities, we Druids still sing their ancient hymns, and venerate the Mother of All Life. Our ways are the Old Ways, that hearken back to a time before fields and plows, before kingdoms, before even the first daylight. In his folly the All-Father crafted Man to stand apart from nature, as Her masters. But how then can we stand apart when our bodies are nourished by the fruits of the land and the flesh of its beasts? We are of this world, and only by living in harmony with all things in nature can any being achieve true enlightenment, and understand his place in the Great Balance.
worldにおける大多数の俗衆がAll-Fatherさまを崇敬しますが,かれらは母ももっていたことを忘れました:Green Mother of the WorldことBraialla女神さまです.忘れていないいくらかの人たちがいます.
だらしなく伸びる都市からの遠くで,わたしたちDruidはまだ往古の讃美歌を歌い,Mother of All Lifeを崇敬します.わたしたちの流儀はOld Wayであり,それは,畑と鋤よりも前,王国よりも前,ならびに,最初の昼光よりも前である,時期を傾聴し返させます.
かれの愚劣において,All-Fatherさまは,ManをSheの主人たちとして,自然から離れて立つように手掛けました.しかし,わたしたちの体が,土地の果実と獣の肉によって養われているときに,どのように離れて立てるでしょうか?このworldであるわたしたちは,自然の全ての物事と調和して生きることによってのみ,どの存在も真の啓蒙を達成させられ,Great Balanceの中でかれの位置を理解します.
You have no reason to fear me. I've heard the frightful tales the village folk tell of Druids. They say we are not truly men at all, but elfspawn flaunting our Elvish blood, and that we steal babies in the dead of night like the Fey of the Enchanted Wood, and that our pagan rites involve human sacrifice. These are the delusions of the simple, the lies of the frightened. We are not godless Pagans -- we revere the All-Father's name, praising Him as the Consort to the Green Mother, the Bringer of Spring, but we do not venerate Him before all others. Do not fear us. Leave us be, or join us, for we seek only to heal and rejuvenate the World and restore the Cycle.
わたしを恐れる理由はありません.わたしは,村人たちがDruidを語る,吃驚に満ちた話を聞きました.かれらは,わたしたちが少しも人間ではなく,Elfの血を誇示するelf孵化子であり,深夜に赤子を盗む, Enchanted WoodにおけるFeyのように,わたしたち異教徒の儀式が,人間の生贄を巻き添えにすると言います.
これらは単純な人たちの迷妄であり,吃驚した人たちの嘘です.わたしたちはgodをもたない異教徒ではありません――わたしたちはAll-Fatherさまの名前を崇敬し,Heを,Bringer of SpringであるConsort to the Green Motherとして賛美しますが,Heを他の全ての前に崇敬してはいないだけです.
Life, Death, and Transformation: the Great Cycle which defines the movement of Spirit through the universe and serves as the foundation of the world and all of Braialla's bounties. Since the dark day of the Turning, this eternal cycle has been disrupted and all Balance has been lost. There is still life and death, but now there is no transformation, no movement of the spirits of the dead through the cycles of being. At first, the souls of the dead were twisted into undead abominations, the enemies of all Life. We Druids turned the tide of that darkness: it was we who discovered how to use the Trees of Life so that the dead are clothed in new flesh, provided that their names are carved into the Tree. The undead threat is thus diminished, but the Cycle is still undone. Alas, this solution is no solution at all, for our enemies are eternally reborn also, and a new age of bloodlust and savagery has begun. The unenlightened revel in these dark times, thinking that Death itself has died, that they can do whatever they like, kill whatever they like, despoil whatever they like. But I ask you, how long can the World endure if the spirits of the dead are not allowed to move upward into higher forms? How long will the Dark that lies Outside lie quiet without the spirits of the deceased to feed its hunger? The circle is broken, and Doom draws ever closer.
LifeとDeathならびに Transformation:universeを貫くSpiritの移動を定義し,worldとBraialla女神さまの恩恵における,全ての基礎として奉仕するGreat Cycleです.Turningにおける暗い日の時点から,この永遠のcycleは崩れ,全てのBalanceが失われました.lifeとdeathはありますが,今にはtransformationがなく,死者の霊が,存在における複数のcycleを経由する運動はありません.
最初に,死者たちの魂が,全てのLifeがもつ敵である,undeadの奸邪へ捻転されました.わたしたちDruidはdarknessの潮流を転じました:Tree of Lifeの使用方法を露呈したのはわたしたちなので,Treeに名前を刻むという条件で,死者たちは新しい肉を着衣します.
Train skills and powers (skillとpowerを訓練する)
Done (終了)
{A}: All-Father (全父)
{B}: Balance (均衡) | Braialla (ブライアラ) | Bringer of Spring (春の招来者)
{C}: Consort to the Green Mother (緑母神の配偶神) | Cycle (循環)
{D}: Dark (闇) | Darkness (闇性) | Death (死) | Doom (宣告) | Druid (ドルイド) | Druid Trainer (ドルイド訓練者)
{E}: Elf (エルフ) | Enchanted Wood (既付唱森林)
{F}: Fey (妖精)
{G}: Great Balance (壮大均衡) | Great Cycle (壮大循環) | Green Mother (緑母神) | Green Mother of the World (世界の緑母神)
{H}: He (御父)
{L}: Life (生)
{M}: Man (ヒト) | Mother of All Life (全生命の母)
{O}: Old Way (古流儀) | Outside (宇宙外)
{P}: Power (技能)
{S}: She (御母) | Skill (技術) | Spirit (霊)
{T}: Transformation (変容) | Tree (樹) | Tree of Life (生命の樹) | Turning (大転換)
{U}: Undead (不死者) | Universe (宇宙)
{W}: World (世界)