

Fury Trainer (フューリー訓練者)


So you have sought me out. Why? Would you know true power, true magic? I can teach it, but only to my true sisters, who would live and die as Amazons. If your spirit or flesh is weak, then come to further, for the Fury will surely break you! 

Ask about promoting to Fury (Furyへの昇格について尋ねる)

Look around you: The World you see is a calm one. The rocks and stone of the earth, the wood of the trees, the infinite vault of the sky ... they all seem stable and fixed, yes? Know this -- all stability is an illusion. A tiger may lie still as a stone when she sleeps, but in the blink of an eye she springs, like lightning, and her fury is unleashed. It is so with all the World. A violent fire of change and motion, a fury, burns within everything, frozen into stillness as water freezes into ice. If unleashed haphazardly, the fury is wasted and its vessel is broken. But if one is clever, careful, and focused of will, the fury's energy can be harnessed and used to transform the things of the World, just as fire hardens a clay vessel or lightning fuses sand into glass. The knowing is the key. 


Of all the peoples of the World, only the Daughters of Phaedra, the Amazons, understand the secrets of the hidden Fury. The wisest and keenest among us have devoted ourselves to the Fury's power, and we have taken its name as our own. We Furies have looked into all of the elements of the world, seeking to unleash the power within them. Long have we known how to take the still air and whip it into wind, wring rain from the clouds, and unchain the lightning, the Fury of Air. The ways of air and water and the weather they spawn are well known to us, and the glorious Empire of the Amazons prospered long under our watchful eyes. Never did drought trouble the hidden Valley of Delgana, ancient home of the Amazons, nor was it ever ravaged by flood. We Furies have always guarded the secrets of our craft, hiding it inside walls of superstition, mystery, and rumor. We live apart from our sister Amazons, in squalor, and tell them tales of wind spirits and the ghosts of our ancestors. They think us shamans who call the favor of the dead and spin the breath of the wind. This is not so but they ask few questions, and the lies make them braver, so who are we to correct them? 
 Worldにおける全ての大衆のなかで,Daughter of PhaedraであるAmazonたちだけが,隠れたFuryの秘密を理解する.あたしたちの間で最も賢明かつ最も鋭敏な者たちが,あたしたち自身をFuryの力に献身させ,あたしたちは,それの名前を取って自分たちのものにした.
 あたしたちFuryは,worldにおける要素の全てを見て,それらの内部にある力の解放を求めている.あたしたちは,空気を静止することと,それを鞭打って風にすること,ならびに,雲から雨を絞り出すことと,Fury of Airである雷光の,鎖を外す手順を長期にわたり知っていた.
 空と水の手段ならびにそれらが産卵する天候は,あたしたちによく知られていて,栄光あるEmpire of the Amazonsは,あたしたちが深く注視する目の下で長く繁栄した.往古におけるAmazonたちの郷里こと,隠れたValley of Delganaは,決して干魃に煩わされず,洪水に荒らされたこともない.


Two centuries ago, we saw that the time has come for the Amazons to go forth from our hidden valley, leave our jungles, and shake the World. So we conquered, and all the power of flood and lightning, hail and gale swept away our enemies. So we were far from our ancient home when the Day of Woe came. 
 二世紀前に,あたしたちは,Amazonたちが隠れた谷と密林から出て進むことと,密林を後に残すこと,ならびに,Worldを揺さぶる時期が来たことを目視した.それで,あたしたちは征服し,洪水と雷光ならびに雹と強風がもつ全ての力が,敵たちを一掃したのである.それで,Day of Woeが来たときに,あたしたちは往古の郷里から離れていた.


With our power comes great danger, for the fury can be deadly if trifled with by the unworthy. Look at the state of the World today -- somewhere in the Outside, some man tried to tap into the Fury of the entire world, and in so doing the earth cracked, and the world was ruined. In that moment, the South of the World was sundered, and the way to our beloved Valley was lost. And the Fury of the world was wasted, for now nothing can die, and nothing truly new can be made. A Fury need only look to the black face of the sun, and always be reminded not to reach beyond the limits of her power. Ruin is the only reward for such foolishness. 
 その瞬間に,South of the Worldが分断されて,あたしたちが愛した谷への道筋が失われた.そして,worldのFuryは無駄になった,今のところ何も死ねず,何も真に新しく作られることはない.Furyは,sunの黒い顔をただ見て,かの女がもつ力の限界を超えて到達しないように,常に想起しておく必要がある.荒廃は,そのような愚劣性に対する唯一の報酬である.


Now the Amazons are wanderers, searching for a way to return to our home. Perhaps Delgana was destroyed in the Turning, or perhaps it endures still, on some island in the Void beyond our reach. None can say. Perhaps, if we do our work well, we might transform this broken World, and make it wondrous again, or bring back our beloved jungle. Perhaps we are doomed to wander forever, and must seize a new home by force. The winds will tell. 

Train skills and powers (skillとpowerを訓練する)
Done (終了)


{A}: Amazon (女人族)
{D}: Daughter of Phaedra (パイドラーの娘) | Day of Woe (災いの日) | Delgana (デルガナ)
{E}: Empire of the Amazons (女人族帝国)
{F}: Fury (フューリー/憤怒質) | Fury of Air (空の憤怒質) | Fury Trainer (フューリー訓練者)
{O}: Outside (外部地域)
{P}: Power (技能)
{S}: Skill (技術) | South of the World (世界南部) | Sun (太陽)
{T}: Turning (大転換)
{V}: Valley of Delgana (デルガナ谷) | Void (虚空)
{W}: World (世界)