

Nightstalker Trainer (ナイトストーカー訓練者)


Are you tired of fearing the night? Are you ready to send the Vampires back to black pit that spawned them? I can show you how! 

Ask about promoting to Nightstalker (Nightstalkerへの昇格について尋ねる)

The dead are rising in unholy legions, moving against all life. It is a terrifying thing, but this is not the first time. Darkness has raged before. 
 死者たちが複数のunholy legionとして上昇し,全ての生命に対抗して移動している.それは脅威的な物事だが,これは初めてではない.Darknessは前に激化していた.


The War of Shadows raged more than five thousand years ago. The fall of Ardan and all the cataclysms that have wracked the face of Aerynth since have destroyed nearly all trace of that conflict. Only a few fragmentary, moldering records, carefully preserved by the Holy Church, have offered any hint of that dark time, and the desperate battle the Ardani fought against the Unholy Legions ... until now. 
 五千年以上前にWar of Shadowsは激化した.Ardan領の陥落,ならびに,Aerynthの地表を苦しめた全ての大変動における時点から,衝突の痕跡におけるほぼ全てが破壊された.Holy Churchによって配慮深く保存された,少量の断片と朽ちている記録だけが,暗い時期,ならびに,Ardan人たちがUnholy Legionに抗戦した,決死の交戦におけるどの暗示も提供していた…今までは.


But even as the Isle of Oblivion broods in the seas of every fragment and the agents of the Lich-Queen strike terror throughout the lands, a new hope has arisen, a firebrand raised to defy the Dark. The Nightstalkers have returned. I know you have no read of us in any tome. But I can tell you the tale. 
 しかし,全部のfragmentにおける海でIsle of Oblivionが産まれて,Lich-Queen代理人たちが,土地の随所を脅威で直撃してさえも,新しい希望が生起し,Darkに返忠するために興した炬火がある.Nightstalkerたちが帰還してきた.どの大冊でも,おまえがわたしたちの読み物をもっていないことを,わたしは知っている.しかし,わたしは話を語られる.


The Nightstalkers were born of an even older order, in Ardan where Titans and Gods dwelt alongside men. The Stalkers were an ancient order, devotees of Arnomus the Rogue, trained by that Titan to serve the armies of Ardan as scouts and spies. The rising of the dead hordes gave them a new purpose. At the height of the War of Shadows, the heretics who first devised Necromancy called forth the first Vampires, giving Oblivion its most powerful weapon. Packs of the Nightborn swept through Ardan by night, falling upon the armies of the blessed realm and spreading terror into even the strongest cities and fortresses. On the fateful night the blood-drinkers fell upon the Carhane Legion, decimating it, there was one man who stood his ground and knew no fear. 
 Nightstalkerたちは,TitanたちとGodたちが,manたちと並んで一時居住したArdan領で,いっそう一段と古い序列から生まれた.Stalkerたちは,Arnomus the Rogueの献身者たちこと往古の序列であり,斥候および密偵としてArdan領の軍隊に奉仕するために,そのTitanによって訓練された.死者の大群が上昇したことは,かれらに新しい目的を与えた.
 War of Shadowsの最盛期に,最初にNecromancy術を考案した異端者たちが,最初のVampireたちを呼び出し,Oblivionに最も力に満ちている武器を与えた.Nightbornの獣群は,毎晩にArdan領の全体を一掃し,blessed realmの軍隊に降下して,最も強固な都市および大砦にさえも脅威を拡散した.
 飲血者たちがCarhane Legionを襲撃して間引いた,悲運に満ちた夜に,自分の立場に立つ恐れを知らない男がいた.


His name was Colshak, one of the Stalkers, and he quickly learned that a dozen dagger strokes could rend a Vampire's undead flesh when the strongest swing of a flamberge failed. Colshak escaped the slaughter of his legion, saving a dozen of his fellow soldiers. The tale he brought back gave the Men of Ardan hope. After long consultation with the Nameless Titan, Colshak devised a new style of fighting, and armed himself with new spells and techniques to fight the darkness. Hundreds followed his example, and a new order, the Nightstalkers, was born. 
 かれがもたらし戻した話は,ArdanのManたちに希望を与えた.Colshakは,Nameless Titanと長い相談をした後に,新しい対戦の様式を考案し,darknessと戦うための新しい呪文および技巧で武装した.数百人がかれの例に追従し,新しい序列であるNightstalkerが生まれた.


There are those who say Colshak learned his art while serving on the desert frontier, from watching the dreaded Blade Dervishes of the Devil Men. Their speed and ferocity were coupled with a range of blessings and holy teachings, and exercises that could dispel the dark power of the Void, protect the Nightstalker from the powers of the undead Vampires, or send hordes of mindless dead fleeing from the light. Colshak, scarred by the fangs of a Vampire himself, turned his life to the destruction of all undead. In time the fame of the Nightstalkers spread far and wide, and the very Irekei who had served as their inspiration adopted the arts of the Nightstalkers, using them in their own Blood Wars. 
 Colshakが,砂漠の辺境で奉仕している一方で,Devil Manたちの危惧されたBlade Dervishたちを注視して,artを学んだと言う人たちがいる.
 ColshakはVampire自身の牙で傷つき,全てのundeadを破壊することに人生を転向した.いつしか,Nightstalkerたちの名声は広く拡散し,かれらの霊感として奉仕した全くのIrekeiたちが,Nightstalkerのartを採用し,かれらのBlood Warに使用していった.


When the spells of the Nameless Titan ended the War of Shadows at last, Colshak was not content. He feared that the Soulstones and the Web might not endure forever, and that someday Oblivion might ravage Aerynth again. No vault, no book could be entrusted to last forever, and so the thirteenth Titan wove a mighty spell, placing Colshak and eleven of the mightiest Nighstalkers into a magical slumber and removing them from the world, to some hidden realm born of magic. If ever Oblivion should breach the barriers the Ardani raised, the Nightsalkers would rise again and resume Colshak's crusade. 
 Nameless Titanの呪文がようやくWar of Shadowsを終わらせたときに,Colshakは満足しなかった.かれは,複数のSoulstoneとWebが永久には堅忍せずに,いつの日にか,Oblivionが再びAerynthを損害するかもしれないと恐れた.


How do I know all this history, forgotten by the wisest? I remember it as if it were but yesterday. For me, it was. I had the honor to be chosen for the Long Vigil. I am one of Colshak's twelve. 
 最も賢い人に忘れられた,全てのこの歴史を,なぜわたしが知っているのだろうか?わたしは,昨日のことのようにそれを回顧する.わたしにとってはそうだった.わたしはLong Vigilに選ばれる光栄をもった.わたしはColshakの一二人における一人だ.


Our dreams in that enchanted sleep had long been troubled, and the echoes of the Turning and the Dark Years tortured us. When the Isle of Oblivion appeared, we finally awoke. Our first glimpses of this new world terrified us. What has happened to the Sun? Where is the All-Father? What has become of the greatness that was Ardan? Have we truly lost so much? How has it come to this? And brooding in the sea, the shadow gathers. The dead are stirring. The Eldest vampires have returned. The peoples of Aerynth have nothing that can stop them.
 付唱された睡眠で見る夢は長く厄介であり,TurningおよびDark Yearsの残響が,わたしたちを拷問した.Isle of Oblivionが現れたときに,わたしたちは最終的に覚めた.
 そして,海で産まれて影が寄せ集まる.死者たちが攪拌している.Eldest Vampireたちが帰還した.Aerynthの大衆はかれらを止めるものをもっていない.


Daunted by the scope of the undead invasion, we decided that our greatest weapon is not our blessed stakes or our quick strikes, but our knowledge. We twelve cannot hope to prevail against the enemy. But twelve can reach twelve hundred, and they can reach twelve thousand. And so we scattered, journeying to every land, learning the new tongues and ways of this strange world, serving our descendents as teachers and trainers. Join our order, and learn our ways, then take the fight to the dead! In time, every realm will raise armies of new Nightstalkers and drive the unholy shadow from Aerynth once and for all. I only pray that it is not too late. 

Train skills and powers (skillとpowerを訓練する)
Done (終了)


{A}: Aerynth (アエアインス) | All-Father (全父) | Ardan (アルダン) | Arnomus the Rogue (アルノムス[無頼]) | Art (技芸)
{B}: Blade Dervish (刃ダルヴィーシュ) | Blessed Realm (福領) | Blood War (血戦争)
{C}: Carhane Legion (カルハネ軍団) | Colshak (コルシャク)
{D}: Dagger (ダガー) | Dark (闇) | Darkness (闇性) | Dark Years (闇期) | Devil Man (羅刹)
{E}: Eldest Vampire (最年長ヴァンパイア)
{F}: Flamberge (フランベルジュ) | Fragment (陸地破片)
{G}: God (神)
{H}: Holy Church (聖教会)
{I}: Irekei (イレケイ) | Isle of Oblivion (オブリヴィオン島)
{L}: Lich-Queen (リッチ女王) | Long Vigil (長期不寝)
{M}: Man (ヒト)
{N}: Nameless Titan (無名ティーターン) | Necromancy (ネクロマンシー) | Nightborn (闇夜出生種) | Nightstalker (ナイトストーカー) | Nightstalker Trainer (ナイトストーカー訓練者)
{O}: Oblivion (寂滅)
{P}: Power (技能)
{R}: Realm (リールム)
{S}: Skill (技術) | Stalker (ストーカー) | Soulstone (ソウルストーン) | Sun (太陽)
{T}: Titan (ティーターン) | Turning (大転換)
{U}: Undead (不死者) | Unholy Legion (不神聖軍団)
{V}: Vampire (ヴァンパイア) | Void (虚空界)
{W}: War of Shadows (暗影戦争) | Web (対虚空網) | World (世界)