Away with ye, I've no time for any more commissions. I'm off to the wars tomorrow morning. Oh, I see you've come not for scouting, but for a Scout. Well, let's see your paces, then I'll know what I can teach you ...
- Ask about promoting to Scout (Scoutへの昇格について尋ねる)
- Train skills and powers (skillとpowerを訓練する)
- Done (終了)
Ask about promoting to Scout (Scoutへの昇格について尋ねる)
So what are you, some pickpocket? Some petty burglar who's run afoul of one law too many? Do you seek an easy way out of town, and a Scout's badge that'll earn you easy employment in the Guild Wars? It's not that easy, see. Sure, you're quick, and quiet too, but there's far more to it than that!
それで,おまえは何だ,いくらかのスリか?一つの法律に多すぎるほど違反した,いくらかの劣る侵入盗犯か?楽に街の外に行く道筋,ならびに,Guild Warで簡単に雇用を稼得する,Scoutの記章を捜しているのか?それは簡単ではない,視ろ.確かに,おまえも迅速かつ静かだが,それよりも遥かに一段と多いものがある!
I've been living on my own in the wild since I was ten years old. I know to stick to game trails, weave fronds into my hair, and paint my face green and brown so as not to be seen. I'faith, I could crawl right through a dry briar patch without making mark or sound. I grew up in the streets of Rovayle, as poor and cunning a guttersnipe as you could imagine. Crept through my share of creaky hallways and narrow windows before they banished me, and in the times since, I've only gotten sharper. I can see a squirrel in the boughs of a tree a league away, and hear the whisper of an owl in flight. No wolf or Wyldkind's ever got the drop on me, and none ever will. Think you could do as well? We'll see.
Well, you have some talent, and some spirit too -- that counts for something. If you'd be a Scout, you'll have to sharpen those eyes of yours, until you can see a mouse run on the next hillside before a flying hawk can pick him out. Better yet, pick him out blindfolded, by ear alone. On a battlefield the unknown is always the gravest danger, and there are far too many who can walk unseen. A good Scout, though, will hear them, or smell them, and the best can flush them out for all to see. A good Scout can spot their foes a league away, and most have honed their senses to such a degree that it's impossible to catch them unawares, day or night.
Sure, your berserks and knights get all the glory, but without a good pair of eyes they'd get lost on their way to the fight, or ambushed before they were halfway there. Strength and swords are all well and good, but Scouts know that the best defense is to see them coming, and then not be there. A Scout's skills and quick wits are his only protection from death in the wild, and those who live to an old age are as wily as any Ranger.
In my day I've worked with all sorts of Scouts, from woodfolk to farmers' sons to strange, ugly folk I'd swear was part Orc. Some have lived in the woods all their lives while others found their way there, like me. Don't much matter in the end, after all -- if we do our job, the soldiers always come through fine. I've seen enough idiots get slaughtered to know what happens to an army without any Scouts. Some of us swear allegiance to a prince or bishop or clan, but most just live from job to job, seeing the world one sneak at a time. A good scout's worth more than gold, and trust me, you're learning from the best.
Train skills and powers (skillとpowerを訓練する)
Done (終了)
{G}: Guild War (ギルド戦争)
{O}: Orc (オーク)
{P}: Power (技能)
{R}: Ranger (レンジャー) | Rovayle (ロヴァイル)
{S}: Scout (スカウト) | Scout Trainer (スカウト訓練者) | Skill (技術)
{W}: Wyldkind (原林種)