Aerynth (アエアインス): Connauch Highlands | Darouch Reach
Dalgoth (ダルゴス): Corwald's Folly | The Nallock Timberlands | Wendol's Forest
Vorringia (ヴォリンギア): Aedroch Highlands | Braedoch Highlands
A land on the edge of civilization, this frontier teems with beast-men, were-creatures, and wild Gwendannen hill-men who seek the blood of civilized folk. Here the constant struggle betwixt civilization and the Wild rages.
Minimum Adventurer Level (最小的な冒険水準):
Maximum Adventurer Level (最大的な冒険水準):
{A}: Aedroch Highlands (アエドロー高地)
{B}: Braedoch Highlands (ブラエドー地)
{C}: Connauch Highlands (コノー高地) | Corwald's Folly (コーワルド属愚挙)
{D}: Darouch Reach (ダロー到達範囲)
{H}: Hillman Timberlands (丘マン材木地)
{N}: Nallock Timberlands, The (ナロック材木地)
{W}: Wendol's Forest (ウェンドルの森)
{B}: Beast-man (獣マン)
{G}: Gwendannen (グウェンダネン)
{H}: Hill-man (丘マン)
{W}: Were-creature (人型創造物)