

Weapon Focus Skills (武器用集中技能)

Unarmed Combat (非武装戦闘)

When all else fails, even the mightiest warriors resort to weapons they were born with: their fists and feet. Although anyone can brawl with a foe, there are some who made an art of killing with only punches and kicks. 他の全てが失敗したと…

Sword (剣)

Ages of warfare have made swords all too common on the face of Aerynth. Would you learn the discipline of steel? Beware: the Way of the Sword, it is said, leads both to glory and to death. 戦争行為の諸Ageは,Aerynthの顔面上で,全ての諸swor…

Staff (杖)

Easy to craft and wield, staves are often dismissed as peasant and wizard weapons. Their humble origins belie their power: a trained user can crack bones with a well-timed strike, and an ankle sweep can topple any opponent. 細工および行使…

Spear (槍)

The second favored weapon of Kenaryn the Hunter, spears are common weapons among hunters, soldiers, and the Amazons. Trained wielders know how to use a spear in close combat, and skewer foes through even the heaviest of armor. Kenaryn the …

Pole Arm (軸状武具)

The length and weight of pole arms makes them notoriously difficult to use, but those who have the strength and discipline can turn these weaknesses into strengths. The techniques used by Ardan's armies are still deadly today. 諸Pole Armの…

Hammer (槌)

Thurin's weapon, hammers are most common among Dwarves and the Barbarians of the northlands. Training teaches a hammer wielder to channel all of his body's strength into a swing, and hammers are feared for their stunning power. Thurin神の…

Dagger (短剣)

Preferred by thieves, assassins, and the Irekei, daggers lack size and raw power, but their speed can make them deadly in the hands of a skilled wielder. As any seasoned knife fighter knows, it's not the blade's size, it's where you drive …

Crossbow (十字弓)

Dwarves made the first crossbows, but their use has spread to all the peoples of the world. Simpler than bows to use, crossbows still require practice and skill to maintain, load, and shoot effectively. Dwarf たちは最初の諸crossbowを作りま…

Bow (弓)

Kenaryn the Hunter, faithful companion to the All-Father, first taught the Elves and Centaurs to use bows. Effective marksmanship requires strength of arm, keen eyes, and a steady hand, but ranged attacks grant a great advantage. All-Fathe…

Axe (斧)

Many dismiss the axe as a brutish weapon, but the Dwarves and the Invorri of the frozen north have long favored axes above all other weapons. Careful practice transforms an axe from a crude chopper to the deadliest of weapons. 多くの人たち…