

Strategy Guide (攻略情報)

Strategy Guide (攻略情報)

Races (種族)


Aelfborn | Dwarf | Elf | Half-Giant | Irekei | Shade

Aracoix | Centaur | Minotaur

Nephilim | Vampire

Classes (階級)

Fighter | Healer | Mage | Rogue

Professions (職業)

Warrior | Priest | Wizard | Thief

Assassin | Barbarian | Bard | Channeler | Confessor | Crusader | Druid | Fury | Huntress | Prelate | Ranger | Scout | Templar | Warlock

Doomsayer | Sentinel

Necromancer | Nightstalker

Disciplines (専門)

Animator | Archer | Black Mask | Blade Master | Blade Weaver | Blood Prophet | Bounty Hunter | Commander | Dark Knight | Enchanter | Forge Master | Giant Killer | Gladiator | Huntsman | Knight | Rat Catcher | Rune Caster | Storm Lord | Summoner | Sun Dancer | Traveler | Undead Hunter | Werebear | Wererat | Werewolf | Wyrmslayer

Berserker | Blood Horn | Valkyr

Artillerist | Archmage | Thrall

Prospector | Shroudborne | Savant | Skydancer


Conjurer | Darksworn

Battle Magus | Saboteur | Sanctifier | Sapper

Belgosch | Drannok | Gorgoi | Strigoi

Game Mechanic (競技方式)

Statistic | Combat | Guild | Favored & Ill-Favored | Loreplay | Economy | Siege | Battlefield Alliances | Game of Realms | Realm & Rulership | Taxation | Resource System | Divine Favor | Siege Spires | Hot Zones

Guild Types (ギルド種別)

Noble House | Mercenary Band | Military Legion

Amazon Temple | Barbarian Clan | Church of the All-Father | Dwarf Hold | High Court | Ranger's Brotherhood | Temple of the Cleansing Flame | Thieves' Band | Virakt | Wizard's Conclave

Cohort | Cult of the Scourge | Kh'ree | Unholy Legion

Geography (地理)



Aerynth | Dalgoth | Vorringia

Vorringia to Loreplay

Region | Realm | Adventure Zone | GM City | GM Hamlet | Isolated Zone

Adventure Zone Types (冒険地帯の種別)

Bandit Wetlands | Grobold Northlands | Grobold Timberlands | Orc Mountains | Skrell Swamp

Aelfborn Timberlands | Amazon Wetlands | Ancient Desert | Barbarian Northlands | Centaur Grasslands | Demon Forest | Demon Swamp | Drake Grasslands | Drake Swamp | Elf Forest | Giant Mountains | Giant Mountains [Epic] | Hillman Timberlands | Irekei Desert | Lizardman Swamp | Minotaur Northlands | Naag Desert | Orc Desert | Orc Wildlands | Orc Swamp | Shaarduk Northlands | Undead Timberlands | Undead Wastelands | Vampire Wastelands | Wizard Forest

Ancient Blightlands (A) | Ancient Blightlands (B) | Demon Blightlands

Undead Blightlands | Vampire Blightlands

City Assets (都市資産)

Dwellings | Facilities | Guild Halls | Palaces | Tradesmen | Minions

Non-player Characters

Runemasters | Trainers | Mobiles | Lore NPC | Hermits


Items | Equipment | Skills | Powers | Patch History











Amazon.co.jp: ホイール・オブ・タイム シーズン1を観る | Prime Video


Way of the Wolf (狼の道筋)

Within the soul of every Man there lurks a Beast, raging in confinement. Few ever hear the voice of that Beast, or learn to heed its call. Those that do, however, become Shapechangers, donning the skins of animals or darker shapes. 

