First devised and practiced in the Lost Realm of Ardan, Exorcism focuses on exploiting the weaknesses of the Undead and the servants of the Void. Its secrets are critical to any who would stand against the Unholy Legions.
Lost Realm of Ardanで最初に考案および実践されたExorcismは,UndeadとVoidの奉仕者たちにおける弱性を悪用することに集中します.その秘密は,諸Unholy Legionへ向かい立って抗するだろう,どの人のためにも批評的です.
{E}: Exorcism (祓除)
{L}: Lost Realm of Ardan (アルダンの既失領域)
{U}: Undead (アンデッド) | Unholy Legion (不神聖軍団)
{V}: Void (虚空)