

Priest Trainer (プリースト訓練者)


You have come seeking Truth. Truth is everywhere, all around you .. Everything you see and touch is the handiwork of the Seven, the Gods of Aerynth whom I serve. Would you learn their ways? Still your soul, and prepare your mind. 

Ask about promoting to Priest (Priestへの昇格について尋ねる)

Your hands are the hands of a healer: I can feel the power within you. There are many born touched by the Gods, and through their aid all the folk of Aerynth endure the strife and toil of this Dark Age. It is a heavy burden, the High Touch, and more often than not, knowing the will of the Gods brings pain, not comfort. Most who bear the Divine Gift seek out a priesthood when they come of age: they pledge themselves to Braialla, the Mother of the Old Faith, or else they serve the Father of the High Faith, Pandarrion the All-Father. But some follow their hearts away from the Grove, Temple, or Church, for they hear the voice of not one God, but many. One God's patronage is a mighty aid, how much better then for a Priest to serve them all? 
 あなたの手はhealerの手です:わたしはあなたの内側にある力を感じます.Godたちに触れられて生まれてきた者たちは大勢であり,かれらの援助を経由して,Aerynthのあらゆる俗衆がDark Ageの闘争および辛苦に堅忍します.それはHigh Touchである重い負担であり,押し並べて,Godたちの意志を知ることは,慰安ではなく苦痛をもたらします.
 Divine Giftを帯びる人たちの大多数は、成人するときに僧職を捜します:かれらは,Mother of the Old FaithであるBraialla女神に確約,あるいは,Father of the High FaithであるPandarrion the All-Fatherに奉仕します.


Seven deities oversaw the beginning of the world, four Lords and three Ladies. Most of the world's children have turned from one or more, but a Priest must known the names and liturgies of all. Listen now as I name them, and then call to them -- you will hear the answers in your soul. 


Pandarrion, the All-Father, who fathered the races of Elves and Men, master of the Archons and lord of all the Universe. His power protects against Chaos and Shadow, and His blessings render aid to every child of the sundered World. 


Braialla, Green Mother, mother of the Elves and all that grows. She is the healer and provider, and all that lives quickens at her will. Her aid cures the sick, and aids the weak. 
 Green MotherことBraialla女神は,Elfおよび育つものの全般における母です.かの女は回復者かつ供給者であるうえに,かの女の意志であらゆる命が迅速化します.かの女の援助は,病人を治癒するうえに弱者を援助します.


Thurin, the Shaper, who wrought the Dwarves by his own hand, is the god of skill, and craft, and faith. Strength and craft are born of his blessings, along with tireless will. 


Kenaryn, the Hunter, father of the Centaurs, whose spear did wound the Dragon long ago, is the God of the chase. His are the ways of war, skill with weapons, speed at the hunt, and power over beasts. 


Saedron, the Fate Weaver, Centaurs' mother, is the goddess of Magic, and wisdom, and nightmares. Driven mad by her sister's death, she whispers secrets to those with courage enough to hear them, and grant power over enchantments of all kinds. 
 Centaurたちの母であるFate WeaverことSaedron女神は,Magicと叡智および悪夢のgoddessです.姉妹の死によって狂気に駆動されたかの女は,聞くのに十分な勇気をもつ者たちに秘密を囁き,あらゆる種類の付唱を覆う力を下賜します.


The final two have fallen, but there is still much power that a Priest may draw from their memory: 


Malog, the Warrior, was the God of battle and arms of old. The Dragon's flame burned his face, and now he wears a mask and calls himself Morloch the Destroyer. A servant of Chaos, Morloch has betrayed the Gods and all the peoples of Aerynth. 
 WarriorであるMalog神は,交戦および武具の古いGodでした.Dragonの炎に顔を燃やされたので,今ではかれは仮面を着けて,Morloch the Destroyerとかれ自身を呼びます.Chaosの下僕であるMorloch堕落神は、GodたちとAerynthの大衆に背信しました.


Last is the most tragic of all: Volliandra, the Golden Goddess of music and dreams. She was the fairest of the Gods, wife to Malog. She died when the Dragon's fire consumed the Golden Moon, turning it into the Sun. The echoes of her voice can calm or confound any who hear them. 
 最後は全般の中で最も悲劇的です:音楽および夢のGolden Goddessである,Volliandra女神です.かの女はGodたちのなかで最も美麗であり,Malog神の妻でした.Dragonの火がGolden Moonを消費し,それをSunへ転じているときに,かの女は死にました.かの女の声における残響は,聞いた人たちのどれでもを,平静化または困惑化できます.


These are the Seven, whom all Priests serve. Many claim one God above the others: the Dwarvish Priests of Thurin, the Sons of Kenaryn among the Centaurs, and the Elvish Moon Priests who sing to Saedron are but the most common. Most Priests work for the well-being of their flocks, but some do not. The masked priests of Morloch the Destroyer strive to topple everything the Children of the All-Father have built, and it is rumored that there are Priests of Chaos, servants of the Dark Lords who are working to destroy the World. I will not speak of them! 
 これらが,あらゆるPriestが奉仕するSevenです.多数の人が,特定のGodが他よりも秀でていると主張します:Thurin神におけるDwarfのPriestたち,Centaurたちの間におけるSon of Kenarynたち,ならびに,Saedron女神へ歌うElfのMoon Priestたちが,最も一般的です.
 大多数のPriestたちは,会衆を良好状態にするために働きますが,いくらかはそうしません.Morloch the Destroyerの仮面を着けたpriestたちが,Child of the All-Fatherたちが築いた,全部を傾けようと努めているうえに,Worldを破壊するために働いている,Dark Lordたちの手下である,ChaosのPriestたちがいると噂されました.わたしはかれらのことを話さないでしょう!

Train skills and powers (skillとpowerを訓練する)
Done (終了)


{A}: Aerynth (アエアインス) | All-Father (全父) | Archon (官天使)
{B}: Braialla (ブライアラ)
{C}: Centaur (ケンタウロス) | Chaos (混沌) | Child of the All-Father (全父の子供) | Church (教会)
{D}: Dark Age (暗黒時代) | Dark Lord (闇主) | Divine Gift (神性賜物) | Dragon (ドラゴン) | Dwarf (ドワーフ)
{E}: Elf (エルフ)
{F}: Fate Weaver (悲運織神) | Father of the High Faith (上級信仰の父)
{G}: God (神) | Goddess (女神) | Golden Goddess (金女神) | Golden Moon (金月) | Green Mother (緑母神) | Grove (木立)
{H}: He (御父) | High Touch (高次接触) | Hunter (狩猟神)
{K}: Kenaryn (ケナルイン)
{L}: Lady (女主) | Lord (主)
{M}: Malog (マログ) | Magic (呪術) | Man (ヒト) | Moon Priest (月プリースト) | Morloch the Destroyer (モルロク[破壊神]) | Mother of the Old Faith (古信仰の母)
{P}: Pandarrion the All-Father (パンダリオン[全父神]) | Power (技能) | Priest (プリースト) | Priest Trainer (プリースト訓練者)
{S}: Saedron (サエドロン) | Seven (七神) | Shadow (暗影) | Shaper (造形神) | Skill (技術) | Son of Kenaryn (ケナルインの子) | Sun (太陽)
{T}: Temple (神殿) | Truth (真理) | Thurin (スーリン)
{U}: Universe (宇宙)
{V}: Volliandra (ヴォリアンドラ)
{W}: Warrior (戦争神) | World (世界)