

Sentinel Trainer (センチネル訓練者)


Hail to thee! Dire times are at hand! The forces of Chaos stir, and all the fragments of Aerynth are threatened! Will you aid us in this dire fight? Come take up the mantle of a Sentinel and join our order, and your strength shall help save our world! 

Ask about promoting to Sentinel (Sentinelへの昇格について尋ねる)

You have never seen a Sentinel before? It is not surprising. Ours is an old order, born in war, and forgotten by too many in the long peace. Hear me, and learn the history of our order. 
 Sentinelを決して視なかったのか?驚くことではない.わたしたちのものは戦争の中で生まれた古い女れるであり, 長い平和で多すぎる人数に忘れられた.わたしの話を聞いて,わたしたちの序列における歴史を学べ.


Nearly 1300 years ago the Chaos Gate was flung wide, and the endless legions of Chaos invaded Aerynth. For nearly a century no mortal power could turn the demonic tide. The War of the Scourge ravaged entire regions, shattered kingdoms, and eradicated entire peoples. When the hour seemed darkest, the All-Father Himself led His children in a great invasion of the Pit of Chaos. Finally Hedrusiel, Archon of Strength, closed the dark Gate though all the Hosts of the Pit strove against him. 
 千三百年近く前にChaos Gateが広く開放され,Chaosの終わりない軍団がAerynthを侵略した.一世紀近くにわたり,どの必滅人がもつ力もdemon的な潮流を転じられなかった.War of the Scourgeは全体の圏域を損害し,複数の王国を粉砕して,全体の大衆を根絶した.
 時刻が最も暗く視えたときに,All-Father御自身が,Heの子供たちをChaosのPitに対する侵略で先導した.最終的に,Archon of StrengthであるHedrusielが,全般のHost of the Pitによる闘争での対抗を経由して,暗いGateを閉じた.


The lords of Men, Elves, and Centaurs withdrew from the Chaos Gate after the victory. The clergy of the Holy Church, however, decreed that a new Holy Order should be founded, open to all the Children of the Gods, to stand watch over the Chaos Gate and serve as the first line of defense should Chaos stir again. Many warriors and pious priests flocked to join the Order of Sentinels, and thus our Long Vigil began. 
 ManとElfならびにCentaurの領主たちは,勝利の後にChaos Gateから引き下がった.とはいえ,Holy Churchの聖職者たちは,Chaos Gateを覆う監視に立ち,Chaosが再び攪拌するときに,防衛の前線として奉仕すべきである,全てのChild of the Godsたちに開かれる,新しいHoly Orderの設立を発令した.
 多数の戦士たちおよび敬虔な僧侶たちが,Order of Sentinelsに群れて加わり,かようにわたしたちのLong Vigilが始まった.


The Sentinels raised many stout fortresses around the Chaos Gate, praying, training, and contemplating how best to defend Aerynth from the Hosts of Chaos. Heroth the Vigilant, later canonised as Saint Heroth, first formulated the secrets of Abjuration. The blessed Archons revealed unto him the Nine Holy Bindings, words of power that overpower the will of evildoers who hear them. The Bindings are our greatest weapon against Chaos. 
 Sentinelたちは,Chaos Gateの周囲に多数の堅固な大型要塞を興して,祈祷と訓練を行い,Host of ChaosからAerynthを防衛するための,最良な手順である熟考を行った.
 後にSaint Herothとして列聖された,Heroth the Vigilantは,Abjuration術の秘密を初めて策定した.祝福されたArchonたちは,聞いた悪行者たちの意志を圧倒する,力の言葉であるNine Holy Bindingsをかれに啓示した.Bindingは,わたしたちのChaosに対抗する最も壮大な武器だ.


The Sentinel's tireless vigil has slowly been forgotten over the centuries, as the temporal realms of Men and Elves, and even the Holy Church itself has grown distracted by other concerns. Since the Turning matters have grown even worse. Morloch and other powerful minions of Chaos have been freed, and we Sentinels have found our position growing precarious indeed. At the end of the 97th year of the Age of Strife, the seals on the Chaos Gate slipped, and for the first time in centuries the Dark Legions again set foot upon Aerynth. The Dark Lords cannot yet pass the Gate, but we fear a second Scourge is inevitable. I have left my brothers at the Gate to appeal for aid. Aerynth needs Sentinels now more than ever. Will you join us? 
 Sentinelたちの疲れがない不寝番は,ManおよびElfの世俗的な領域,ならびに,Holy Church自体でさえも,他の懸念によって散漫が発達したので,数世紀をかけて緩やかに忘れられた.Turningの時点から,案件は一段と悪くにさえ発達した.
 Morloch堕落神,ならびに,Chaosの力に満ちた他の手先たちが自由化されて,わたしたちSentinelは,自分たちの立場が,いかにも不安定に発達したことを見つけた.Age of Strifeにおける九七年の終わりに,Chaos Gateの封印が綻び,数世紀のなかで初めて,Dark Legionが再びAerynthに足を置いた.Dark Lordたちは未だにGateを通過できないが,わたしたちは第二のScourgeが不可避であることを恐れる.

How do I battle Chaos? (どのように,わたしはChaosと交戦しますか?)

A reflection of the dread isle of Maelstrom has recently manifested itself on this fragment, and on all the others. There the forces of Chaos are at their strongest. Go ye to a Runegate, and pass through the Chaos gateway to reach Maelstrom. But beware! The foe is strong past all reckoning. You are well advised to match your weapon against lesser foes before going to the front line

Train skills and powers (skillとpowerを訓練する)
Done (終了)


{A}: Abjuration (アブジュレイション) | Aerynth (アエアインス) | Age of Strife (争闘時代) | All-Father (全父) | Archon (官天使) | Archon of Strength (武官天使)
{B}: Binding (束縛)
{C}: Centaur (ケンタウロス) | Chaos (混沌) | Chaos Gate (混沌門) | Child of the Gods (諸神の子)
{D}: Dark Legion (闇軍団) | Dark Lord (闇主) | Demon (悪魔)
{E}: Elf (エルフ)
{F}: Fragment (陸地破片)
{G}: Gate (大門)
{H}: He (御父) | Hedrusiel (ヘドルシエル) | Heroth [Saint] (ヘロート[聖]) | Heroth the Vigilant (ヘロート[不寝番人]) | Holy Church (聖教会) | Holy Order (聖序列) | Host of Chaos (混沌の古軍) | Host of the Pit (奈落の古軍)
{L}: Long Vigil (長期不寝番)
{M}: Man (ヒト) | Maelstrom (メイルストロム) | Morloch (モルロク)
{N}: Nine Holy Bindings (九聖束縛)
{O}: Order of Sentinels (センチネル序列)
{P}: Pit (奈落) | Power (技能)
{R}: Runegate (ルーン門)
{S}: Scourge (災禍) | Sentinel (センチネル) | Sentinel Trainer (センチネル訓練者) | Skill (技術)
{T}: Turning (大転換)
{W}: War of the Scourge (災禍戦争) | World (世界)