

Crusader Trainer (クルセイダー訓練者)


Good day to you. Have you heard the Call to service? It is no easy thing to fight in the service of the All-Father and His Holy Church. I can show you how to join the Army of Faith, but only you know if you have the strength and the faith to join our order. Are you ready? 
 ごきげんよう.奉仕へのCallを聞いたことはあるか?All-Father,ならびに,HeのHoly Churchにおける奉仕として戦うための,容易な物事はない.わたしはArmy of Faithに加わる方法を示せるが,わたしたちの序列へ加入するための,武力および信仰をもっているかどうかは,きさまだけが知っている.準備はできているか?

Ask about promoting to Crusader (Crusaderへの昇格について尋ねる)

Of all the evils in this world, the mightiest by far is fear. Fear is the sickness of the weak, and the greatest blight the Turning has loosed upon us. Fear drives the weak to murder, the powerful to war, and the pious into doubt. Fear of Chaos, fear of the Twisted Breeds, the Unholy Legion, or the armies of one's neighbors. Most insidious of all is the dark fear that breeds despair, fear that the All-Father is dead. But know this: for more than two thousand years the Crusaders have fought all evil without fear, and we fight our battle still. 
 このworldにおける全ての悪において,最も豪壮なものは恐怖だ.恐怖は弱者たちの病であり,Turningがわたしたちに放った最も壮大な枯死だ.恐怖は,弱者たちを殺人へ,権力者たちを戦争へ,さらに,敬虔者たちを懐疑へ駆動する.Chaosへの恐怖,ならびに,複数のTwisted Breed,Unholy Legion,または,隣人がもつ軍隊への恐怖.全てのなかで最も陰湿なものは,絶望を産む暗い恐怖である,All-Fatherが死んだという恐怖だ.


The Book of Staves teaches us that faith and goodness are not enough: just as the All-Father proved Himself a Warrior, fighting against the Dragon, the Beast Lords, and the Dark Lords of Chaos, so too the Holy Church needs soldiers to defend its flocks as well as provide for them. A vast army stands ready to defend the Holy Church: the Crusaders, holy warriors who know no fear. When the hordes of Chaos shook the World at the beginning of the War of the Scourge, Saint Adelmo the Patriarch called a mighty crusade against the unnatural invaders, and placed the All-Father's blessing upon any who would take up arms in the Church's defense. From that day to this, they have worn white for purity and blue for the All-Father's strength, as vast as the endless sky. Do you have the faith to join us? 
 信仰と善性だけでは十分ではないことを,Book of Stavesは教えてくれる:All-Fatherが,Dragonと複数のBeast Lord,ならびに,Chaosにおける複数のDark Lordに対抗して,He御自身がWarriorであることを証明したとおりに,Holy Churchも,会衆を防衛して養育するための,兵士たちを必要にしている.
 広大な軍隊には,Holy Churchを守る準備ができている:恐怖の存知がない聖なる戦士ことCrusaderたちだ.War of the Scourgeの開始こと,Chaosの大群がWorldを揺らしたときに,Saint Adelmo the Patriarchは,不自然的な侵略者たちに対抗する,豪壮な宗教軍を呼びかけ,Churchの防衛において,武器を取ろうとする者たちの誰にでも,All-Fatherの祝福を置いた.


Some Crusaders are called to our order by their faith, while others begin their lives as warriors, living as mercenaries or even brigands before discovering the All-Father's glory. Once anointed into the Order of Crusaders, we serve as guardians and defenders of our brother Prelates, or soldiers in the Patriarch's grand army charged to defend the body of the Holy Church from any who would oppose it. The most stalwart Crusaders are elected to venture out into the world, seeking news of the All-Father's fate, and help the innocent wait out the dark times until He may return. 
 ひとたびOrder of Crusadersとして聖別されると,わたしたちは,兄弟であるPrelateたちに,警備者および防衛者として,または,妨害してくる誰でもから,Holy Churchの体を防衛することを請求される,Patriarch聖下がもつ大軍隊の兵士として,奉仕する.


Would you fight at my side? As Saint Eliander endured the lashes of his tormentors and came through unmarked, so shall my flesh be as stone to the weapons of my enemies, for Eliander's blessing is upon me. In battle my strength is the strength of Hedrusiel the Archon, who pushed the Black Gate of Chaos closed though all hosts of Hell strove against him. The blessings of seventeen bishops lay upon my sword, and my armor was touched in high mass by the Patriarch himself. I took my vows when I was a lad of twelve, and in the twenty years since I have served the Holy Church in more than fifty battles. My faith has brought me through unscathed, and prevailed over all the Church's enemies. We are far more than Knights. Every Knight serves a Lord, or the memory of the High King. I serve the All-Father himself, and am the instrument of His will on Aerynth. I have stared into the faces of Liches born of Darkness, and Chaos-spawn have died by my hand. What enemies shall I fear, when my shield is righteousness? 
 わたしの側で戦わないか?Saint Elianderは,加虐者たちの鞭打ちに堅忍し,傷跡なしで通過して来たので,わたしの肉は,敵の武器に対して神意で石のようになる,わたしにはElianderの祝福があるからだ.
 交戦において,わたしの武力は,Hellに属する全ての古軍が努めた対抗を経由し,ChaosにおけるBlack Gateの閉鎖を押し進めた,Hedrusiel the Archonの武力だ.わたしの剣には,一七人のbishopたちによる祝福が横たわっていて,わたしの鎧は,Patriarch聖下御自身によって荘厳典礼で触れられた. 
 わたしは,一二歳の若者だったときに誓願を取り,五〇回以上の交戦で,Holy Churchに奉仕してきた時点から,二〇年になる.わたしの信仰はわたしに無傷の通過をもたらし,Churchがもった全ての敵を圧勝で覆った.
 わたしたちはKnightたちを遥かに上回る.全部のKnightたちが,LordまたはHigh Kingの記憶に奉仕する.わたしはAll-Father御自身へ奉仕するし,わたしは,AerynthにおけるHeがもつ御意志の器具だ.わたしは,Darknessから生まれたLichたちの顔を凝視したし,わたしの手によってChaosの孵化子たちは死んだ.わたしの盾がrighteousnessであるときに,わたしがどの敵を神意で恐れるだろうか?


If it is the All-Father's will that I should fall in battle. I know that I shall die a righteous death, and earn His great reward. I have known this since the day I took my vows, every Crusader knows it. Enemies may break my flesh and my body, but they shall never break my spirit. I shall but wake again, and serve as I have always served until this dire age ends and I may finally take my place in my Father's mansions hereafter. Every Crusader is assured absolution of all his sins and weaknesses, provided he shirks not his duties to the Holy Church and lives his life by its laws. When the All-Father returns, our Heavenly Reward is assured, and it will be far greater than any mortal pain, suffering, or strife. Each of us, to the man, are without fear. Are you? 
 全部のCrusaderたちは,Holy Churchへの義務を怠らないこと,ならびに,その法に従って人生を生きることを条件に,全ての罪悪および虚弱性の赦免が保証されている.All-Fatherが帰還したときに,わたしたちのHeavenly Rewardは保証されていて,それは,可死者の苦痛か苦悩または闘争のどれよりも,遥かに一段と壮大になるだろう.

Train skills and powers (skillとpowerを訓練する)
Done (終了)


{A}: Adelmo the Patriarch [Saint] (アデルモ[総主教こと聖]) | Aerynth (アエアインス) | All-Father (全父) | Army of Faith (信仰軍隊)
{B}: Beast Lord (獣主) | Bishop (主教) | Black Gate (黒門)
{C}: Call (召命) | Chaos (混沌) | Church (教会) | Crusader (クルセイダー) | Crusader Trainer (クルセイダー訓練者)
{D}: Dark Lord (闇主) | Darkness (闇性) | Dragon (ドラゴン)
{E}: Eliander [Saint] (エリアンダー[聖])
{F}: Father (父神)
{H}: He (御父) | Heavenly Reward (天上界的報酬) | Hedrusiel the Archon (ヘドルシエル[官天使]) | Hell (地獄) | High King (上級王) | Holy Church (聖教会)
{K}: Knight (騎士)
{L}: Lich (リッチ) | Lord (領主)
{O}: Order of Crusaders (クルセイダー序列)
{P}: Patriarch (総主教) | Prelate (プレレイト)
{R}: Righteousness (絶対正義性)
{T}: Twisted Breed (既捻転品種) | Turning (大転換)
{U}: Unholy Legion (不神聖軍団)
{W}: War of the Scourge (災禍戦争) | Warrior (戦士神) | World (世界)