

Confessor Trainer (コンフェッサー訓練者)


Peace and fair welcome to you. Have you come to be redeemed? In my soul burns the Cleansing Flame of Righteousness. If you flesh and soul are pure, I can show you the way to salvation! Will you confess your sins and be transformed? 
 平和と公正な歓迎をあなたへ.贖罪に来たのですか?わたしがもつ魂の中で,RighteousnessのCleansing Flameが燃焼しています.あなたの肉および魂が清浄であるのなら,わたしは救済の道筋を示せます!罪悪を告白して変容しませんか?

Ask about promoting to Confessor (Confessorへの昇格について尋ねる)

Sin is insidious, lurking in every shadow, waiting to corrupt the flesh and poison the soul of every being that lives. I myself am no stranger to sin -- in my youth I was rank with pride and greed and lust, until the light of the Flame showed me a better path. You have come to me seeking salvation, hoping to answer the call of righteousness. To embrace the light, you must first denounce the Shadow. Will you confess the evils lurking within your soul? 


I know that it is difficult, but you must take this first step if the others are to follow. Are you sure you wish to take up our burden? Saint Malorn the Just, the founder of our order, was given his commission from on high by the Archons themselves. We who stand in the light of the Flame are his loyal servants and upon us is placed a most onerous duty. Just as diseased flesh must often be burned or cut away to save the life of a sick man, we Confessors seek out diseased souls and cut them away, that the World can be purified. I have cut flesh, broken bones, and burned entire villages of heretics so that they might be cured of the sickness that had taken root in their souls. My work brings me no pleasure, and I repent the horrors I must work in the name of the higher good. But know this -- my devotion to Truth and Righteousness is too great for me to shirk my duty, heavy though it may be. I would welcome you to our ranks gladly. But before we can proceed, you must first purge the sin that lies within you. I ask you twice, will you confess? 
 難しいと知っていますが,他人たちが追従するなら,あなたは第一の歩みを取らなければいけません.わたしたちの負担を取ることを願うと,確信するのですか?わたしたちの序列における創設者こと,Saint Malorn the Justさまは,Archonさまたち御自身によって,高次から使命を与えられました.Flameがもつ光の中に立つわたしたちは,Heさまの忠実な奉仕者であり,わたしたちには最も煩わしい義務が置かれました.


Still you deny it. Know this: the Darkness that has corrupted you cannot hide from my eyes, for I am a Confessor, a servant of the Cleansing Flame, and no evil will escape my judgment. As it is written in the Book of Swords, Saint Malorn's eyes were opened on the Day of Woe, even as Cambruin died upon the trunk of the World Tree. The ground shook and the skies burned the color of blood, and Malorn cried aloft to the All-Father for aid and deliverance. Then the All-Father and Nandramiel, Archon of Fire, worked a mighty miracle: they kindled the Cleansing Flame in Malorn's heart. He has passed it to all his faithful, and no sin my hide in its light. I ask you thrice, will you confess? 
 まだあなたは拒みます.これを知りなさい:あなたを壊乱したDarknessが,わたしの目から隠れられないのは,わたしが,Cleansing Flameの奉仕者ことConfessorであるからであり,わたしの審判から脱出する悪はありません.
 Book of Swordsに書かれているように,Cambruinさまが,ちょうどWorld Treeの幹に接した状態で崩御された,Day of Woeに,Saint Malornさまの両目は開かれました.地面が揺れ,空が血の色に燃えて,Malornさまは,援助と救出のために,All-Fatherさまに向けて上空に叫びました.
 ひいては,All-FatherさまとArchon of FireであるUvorielさまが,豪壮な奇跡を働きました:かれらは,Malornさまの心臓にCleansing Flameを灯したのです.かれは,それを,かれがもった信仰に満ちた人たちの全てに渡したので,その光から隠れられるわたしの罪悪はありません.


Good. You have taken the first step. Now speak the Twelve Articles of Faith with me, and then you shall be purified by the Flame, born again in Saint Malorn's service! 
 よいでしょう.あなたは第一の歩みを取りました.さて,わたしと一緒にTwelve Articles of Faithを話すと,あなたはFlameにより神意で浄化され,Saint Malornさまに向ける奉仕のなかで,再び生まれるでしょう!


1. I believe in the All-Father, ruler of the Gods, supreme and universal. 
2. I believe in the Power of His Will alone, and in the Power of His servants. 
3. I believe in the Ascendancy of Humankind, the All-Father's greatest children. 
4. I believe in the Divinely ordained rule of Cambruin, the High King. 
5. I believe in the Gospel of Saint Malorn the Just. 
6. I believe in the power of the Cleansing Flame, beacon of the Faithful and redeemer of the Wicked. 
7. I believe in the eternal struggle against Chaos and Darkness, the Twin Enemies of the World. 
8. I believe in the eternal struggle against Three-fold Sin, the corrupter of the Faithful. 
9. I believe in the Redemption of Sin through the power of the Cleansing Flame. 
10. I believe in the Path of Righteousness, the power of Good Works, and Eternal Vigilance against Sin. 
11. I believe in the supremacy of the Temple above all other congregations. 
12. I believe in the power of Worldly Rulers, provided that they are Righteous. 
三.わたしは,All-Fatherがもった最も壮大な子供たちこと,Ascendancy of Humankindを信じます.
四.わたしは,神性に定められたHigh KingことCambruinの支配を信じます.
五.わたしは,Saint Malorn the Justの福音を信じます.
六.わたしは,篤信家たちの道標かつ極悪の贖いである,Cleansing Flameの力を信じます.
八.わたしは,篤信家たちの壊乱者ことThree-fold Sinに対抗する,永遠の奮闘を信じます.
九.わたしは,Cleansing Flameの力を経由する,罪悪の償還を信じます.
一〇.わたしは,Righteousnessの進路とGood Workの力,ならびに,罪悪に対抗するEternal Vigilanceを信じます.
一二.わたしは,Worldly RulerたちがRighteousであるという条件で,その力を信じます.

Train skills and powers (skillとpowerを訓練する)
Done (終了)


{A}: All-Father (全父) | Archon (官天使) | Archon of Fire (火官天使) | Ascendancy of Humankind (人の優位性)
{B}: Book of Swords (剣の書)
{C}: Chaos (混沌) | Cambruin (カンブリュワン) | Cleansing Flame (浄化炎) | Confessor (コンフェッサー) | Confessor Trainer (コンフェッサー訓練者)
{D}: Darkness (闇性) | Day of Woe (災いの日)
{E}: Eternal Vigilance (永遠不寝番)
{F}: Flame (大炎)
{G}: God (神) | Good Work (善行)
{H}: He (御父) | High King (上級王)
{L}: Light (光)
{M}: Malorn the Just [Saint] (マローン[公正者こと聖])
{P}: Power (技能)
{R}: Righteousness (絶対正義性)
{S}: Shadow (影) | Skill (技術)
{T}: Temple (神殿) | Three-fold Sin (三部分罪) | Truth (真理) | Twelve Articles of Faith (信仰十二箇条)
{U}: Uvoriel (ウヴォリエル)
{W}: World (世界) | Worldly Ruler (世俗的支配者) | World Tree (世界樹)