

Blightlands of the Ancients (古人枯地)

Aerynth (アエアインス): Southern Battlegrounds | Western Battlegrounds
Dalgoth (ダルゴス): Southern Battlegrounds | Western Battlegrounds
Vorringia (ヴォリンギア): Southern Battlegrounds | Western Battlegrounds


Once the Order of Sentinels guarded the Chaos Gate with stout fortresses to the North and South. When the Gate seals slipped these land became battlegrounds, the front lines in a new and terrible war against Chaos.
 かつてOrder of Sentinelsは,西部と南部に堅固な諸大要塞をともないながら,Chaos Gateを警備しました.Gateの封印が綻びたときに,これらの土地は,Chaosに抗する新しくて脅威的な戦争の前線である,戦場になりました.


Minimum Adventurer Level (最小的な冒険水準): 
Maximum Adventurer Level (最大的な冒険水準): 




{B}: Blightlands of the Ancients (古人枯地)
{S}: Southern Battlegrounds (南部戦場)
{W}: Western Battlegrounds (西部戦場)




{C}: Chaos (混沌然) | Chaos Gate (混沌門)
{G}: Gate (大門)
{O}: Order of Sentinels (センチネル修道会)