Aerynth (アエアインス): Xektis Bog
Dalgoth (ダルゴス): Veshtai Bog
Vorringia (ヴォリンギア): Thollock Marsh
After their defeat in the War of Ashes, a mighty host of Orcs fled from the lands of Men, taking refuge in these noisome fens. The Orcs grew strong, and these swamps teem with monsters they have raised and nourished.
War of Ashesで撃破された後に,Orcたちの豪壮な古軍はManの土地から逃走し,これらの臭い泥炭沼で避難所を取りました.Orcたちは強く育ち,これらの沼沢はかれらが興して養った怪物たちで豊富です.
Minimum Adventurer Level (最小的な冒険水準):
Maximum Adventurer Level (最大的な冒険水準):
{O}: Orc Swamp (オーク沼沢)
{T}: Thollock Marsh (ソロック湖沼)
{V}: Veshtai Bog (ヴェシュタイ泥沼)
{X}: Xektis Bog (ゼクティス泥沼)
{M}: Man (マン)
{O}: Orc (オーク)
{W}: War of Ashes (灰塵戦争)