

Abjuration (拒絶)

Nandramiel, Archon of Judgement, revealed unto Saint Heroth the Vigilant the Nine Holy Bindings, words of power that overpower the will of evildoers who hear them. The Bindings are the Sentinels' greatest weapon against Chaos. 
 Nandramiel, Archon of JudgementはSaint Heroth the Vigilantへ,それらを聞く悪行者たちの意志を圧倒する,力の諸言葉であるNine Holy Bindingsを開示しました.諸Bindingは,Chaosに抗するSentinelたちの最も壮大な武器です.



{A}: Abjuration (拒絶)
{B}: Binding (縛)
{C}: Chaos (混沌)
{N}: Nandramiel, Archon of Judgement (ナンドラミエル[審判のアルコーンこと]) | Nine Holy Bindings (九聖縛)
{S}: Saint Heroth the Vigilant (ヘロス[不寝番人こと聖]) | Sentinel (センチネル)