

Centaur Grasslands (セントール草地)

Aerynth (アエアインス): Plains of Tirilius | Theros Plain
Dalgoth (ダルゴス): Aegol's Run | Kenaryn's Range
Vorringia (ヴォリンギア): Derros Plains


Long ago, these lands were won and tamed by the Centaurs, who fought bravely and nobly against the forces of evil. Now, they find their rightful lands beset by all manner of foes, yet the Horselords refuse to abandon their pastoral reaches.


Minimum Adventurer Level (最小的な冒険水準): 
Maximum Adventurer Level (最大的な冒険水準): 


用語一覧 (Zone名称)


{A}: Aegol's Run (イーゴル属走行)
{C}: Centaur Grasslands (セントール草地)
{D}: Derros Plains (デロース平原)
{K}: Kenaryn's Range (ケナルイン属範囲)
{P}: Plains of Tirilius (ティリリウス属平原)
{T}: Theros Plain (テロース平原)


用語一覧 (Zone記述)


{C}: Centaur (セントール)
{H}: Horselord (主馬)