

Aracoix Overview (アラコイックスの概要)


Of all the new creatures encountered since the Turning, the avian humanoids who Men have come to call Aracoix are the most remarkable. At first many thought them to be nothing more than a strange, sorcerous fusion of Man and Hawk, perhaps created by the Elves to use as slaves and soldiers. Others thought them to be old creatures previously undiscovered, who had lived in some isolated corner of the World but now roamed far through the use of the Runegates. Magi and Loremasters now believe Birdmen are creatures from another World entirely, who have journeyed to the fragments of our World by methods unknown. Civilized and noble, the Birdmen are a race barely understood by the other Children of the World. When first encountered, Humans judged the Aracoix to be primitive and savage aberrations, but time has proven these assumptions completely incorrect. Hunted without mercy and driven into hiding, the Aracoix are fierce warriors and brilliant hunters that bear little love or trust for any of the peoples of the World. Rumors tell that the Aracoix disdain all Gods and religions, and are profoundly suspicious of all Magic. 
 文明的かつ高貴的なBirdmanたちは,他にあたるChild of the Worldたちにわずかしか理解されていない種族である.最初に遭遇したときに,Humanたちは,Aracoixたちを原始的かつ野蛮的な逸脱者たちと判定したが,時間はこれらの憶測が完璧に不的確であるのを実証した.




{A}: Aracoix (アラコイックス)
{B}: Birdman (鳥人)
{C}: Child of the World (世界の子供)
{E}: Elf (エルフ)
{H}: Human (ヒューマン)
{L}: Loremaster (伝承修得者)
{M}: Mage (メイジ) | Magic (異術) | Man (マン)
{R}: Runegate (ルーン門)
{T}: Turning (大転回)
{W}: World (世界)