

Barbarian Trainer (バーバリアン訓練者)


You there! Have you come to fight? Ah ... you are cleverer than you look, I think. There is strength in your arms, but will it be enough? If you would be mighty, you must needs learn the ways of the Invorri, for there are none mightier. Can you claim the blood of Torvald? We shall see ... 

Ask about promoting to Barbarian (Barbarianへの昇格について尋ねる)

You don't need that blade, for I'll not kill you. Not this day, at least. These Southlanders, with their walls and their letters, they shall always amaze me. Their hands take to craft, but their arms and hearts have withered. Their lives are so easy and bellies so full they have forgotten the first gift the All-Father gave all men: strength, and will like iron. The Invorri remember. I am a Northman, born in the lands of savage cold. We cannot forget, or we would surely die. The ice in the North never sleeps, and the Joten and Aurochmengr -- as you would say, Giants and the Minotaurs, do not take prisoners. 


I am a Northman, and I have given you my oath I would not kill you. I will not break my word, for if I did my strength would fail, and the wood in my shield would become as rotten as my liar's heart, and fail me in my next fight, leaving me to be cleaved. I am a Northman, and I do not lie. They call us "barbarians," the wicked Elves and fat men of the South, and yet I've never met a one of them who wouldn't lie to save his skin. This is why they cannot stand before our axes and our blades, why we raid them like wolves. The Southlanders mock us because we have no great cathedrals, because we know nothing of reading or writing and wear no silken finery, and eat with our hands like animals. And I say they have forgotten what it is to live as men did in the early ages of the World. Our strength and our fortitude endures from that time, unabated. For working or warring, the least of my kin is worth ten of them! We take what we need, for any who are weaker than us have no right to it. 


I am a karl, a warrior, an axe-swinger and wound-giver. My axe has cleaved the heads of a full three score men, and I stopped counting pukjet, your Grobolds, long ago. My armor was a gift from my uncle, Hjorolf Half-Handed, and I wear three rings given to me by my jarl. All that any Northman owns, was either made by his hands or paid for with iron -- taken as a prize in a raid or battle. 
 わたしの鎧は,叔父であるHjorolf Half-Handedからの贈物であり,わたしはjarlから与えられた三つの指輪を着けている.Northmanの誰でもが所有する全ては,かれの手で制作された,または,鉄で支払われた――襲撃または交戦で報償として取ったものだ.


Someday, if it is so written for me, I shall take wealth enough to build a Hall, and have karls of my own to serve me, and I shall be a river of gold to my people. Or perhaps I shall end up poor and unmarried, with no songs to remember me. The tale of my life and yours was written before the first dawning, and it will not change. I long for the day when this upside-down world fades, when the sun flares bright again and men may truly die, so that they can join the All-Father's chosen in Valhalla and fight the Dragon at the World's Ending. That time may come soon, but such things are not for me to see. So you would live as we do, and learn true strength? The blood of the North may flow in your heart, let us see if we can awaken it there. 
 わたしは,この逆さまである世界が薄れる日を切望している,再びSunが閃いて明るくなり,人たちが本当に死ぬかもしれなくなったときに,かれらはValhallaでAll-Fatherの選抜に加われるようになって,World's EndingでDragonと戦う.その時はすぐに来るかもしれないが,わたしにはそのような物事は見えない.

Train skills and powers (skillとpowerを訓練する)
Done (終了)


{A}: All-Father (全父) | Aurochmengr (アウロクメング)
{B}: Barbarian (バーバリアン) | Barbarian Trainer (バーバリアン訓練者)
{D}: Dragon (ドラゴン)
{E}: Elf (エルフ)
{G}: Giant (ジャイアント) | Grobold (グロボルド)
{H}: Hall (広間邸) | Hjorolf Half-Handed (ヨロルフ・ハーフハンデド)
{I}: Invorri (インヴォリ)
{J}: Jarl (ヤール) | Joten (ヨトゥン)
{K}: Karl (カール)
{M}: Man (ヒト) | Minotaur (ミノタウロス)
{N}: North (北方) | Northman (北方人)
{P}: Power (技能) | Pukjet (プキィエト)
{S}: Skill (技術) | South (南方) | Southlander (南地人) | Sun (太陽)
{T}: Torvald (トルヴァルド)
{V}: Valhalla (ヴァルハラ)
{W}: World (世界) | World's Ending (世界終局)