

Nephilim Overview (ネフィリムの概要)


As the first century of the Age of Strife draws to its close, another strange, new race has emerged onto the face of Aerynth. Often called the Tainted Ones, most who are learned call them Nephilim, the name they use among themselves. The ongoing strife and confusion of this new age has left even the wisest Sages and Wizards unsure of their origins, but one thing is certain: the Nephilim are here. 
 Age of Strifeの第一世紀が閉鎖に引き込まれ,別の余所的で新しい種族がAerynthの顔面にまで顕れた.しばしばTainted Oneたちと呼ばれ,学んだ人たちの大半が,かれら自身の間でかれらが使う名前であるNephilimたちと呼ぶ.


Tall and graceful, the Nephilim are obviously kin to Humanity. Their skin ranges from green to deep blue, and the Nephilim might be the most beautiful of all the Manlike races if not for some disturbing differences. Parts of their bodies are covered in serpent-like scales, and cruel horns sprout from their brows. Most shocking of all, batlike wings sprout from the shoulders of every Nephilim, letting the Tainted Ones fly like the Aracoix do. Nephilim are renowned for their strange beauty, their cruelty, and their aptitude with magic. 
 かれらの肉体における諸部分は大型毒蛇似の諸鱗に被られ,残虐的な諸角が額から芽生えている.全てのなかで最も衝撃的なのは,AracoixたちがするようにTainted Oneたちを飛ばす,蝙蝠似の諸翼が,全部のNephilimたちにおける諸肩から芽生えていることである.Nephilimたちは,かれらの余所的な美と残虐性,ならびに,異術に伴う適正で名声を得た.


The most frightful of their powers is their ability to alter their appearance, donning a magical guise indistinguishable from an ordinary Human. Master spies and infiltrators, the Nephilim have spread throughout Aerynth in secret, and perhaps only the Dark Lords know precisely how many there are.
 かれらの諸力で最も驚怖に満ちているのは,順序的なHumanから区別不可である,異術的な装いを着用して,かれらの現然を変更する能力である.既修得の間者たちおよび浸透者たちであるNephilimたちは,秘密裏にAerynthを通り抜けながら拡散し,おそらくDark Lordsたちだけが正確にそこに何人いるのかを知っている.


Some say that the Nephilim are the result of magical experiments, similar to the rites that created the Minotaurs in the Age of Days. Others believe that the Nephilim are the offspring of Humans and summoned Demons, hybrids who work to spread torment and Chaos through the ravaged lands of Aerynth. Still others claim that the Tainted Ones are not Human at all, but Demons born of Chaos, the first wave of a new invasion. Whatever the case, the Nephilim have emerged into the Age of Strife as staunch supporters of the Dark Lords of Chaos, devoted to the destruction of Aerynth as it once was. 
 いくらかの人たちはNephilimたちのことを,Age of DaysでMinotaurたちを創った諸儀礼に似ている,異術的な諸実験の結果であると言う.他の人たちはNephilimたちのことを,Aerynthの土地に責苦およびChaosを拡散するために働く諸混成であり,Humanたちと召喚されたDemonたちの子孫であると信じる.まだ他の人たちは,Tainted Oneたちは全てにおいて Humanではないが,新しい侵略における最初の波であり,Chaosから生まれたDemonたちであると主張する.
 いずれの場合も,かつてAerynthの破壊に献身した,ChaosのDark Lordたちにおける漏れない支援者たちとして,NephilimたちがAge of Strifeにまで顕れた.




{A}: Aerynth (アエアインス) | Age of Days (昼中時代) | Age of Strife (闘争時代) | Aracoix (アラコイックス)
{C}: Chaos (混沌)
{D}: Dark Lord (闇主) | Demon (悪霊)
{H}: Human (ヒューマン) | Humanity (ヒューマン性)
{M}: Manlike (マン似) | Minotaur (ミノトール)
{N}: Nephilim (ネフィリム)
{S}: Sage (智者)
{T}: Tainted One (被汚辱者)
{W}: Wizard (ウィザード)